Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Valerie Bertinelli has come a long way since her Jenny Craig days
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[ # ] Valerie Bertinelli has come a long way since her Jenny Craig days
October 3rd, 2023 under Valerie Bertinelli

Valerie Bertinelli was going through her closet, and she found the clothes she wore in her first Jenny Craig photoshoot in 2007. Since then, she has come a long way both physically and mentally, and she has a message for people who aren’t happy with their bodies.

“I found the clothes I was wearing in my very first before picture for Jenny Craig. It was these. This pink shirt and these jeans,” she said while looking in the mirror. “I have done so much emotional and mental work to recover from years of, ugh, pretending everything’s OK when it wasn’t.

“Health is not body size. Health is not that number you see on a scale. Your worth as a human being isn’t dictated by your body. It’s not defined by your body. I thought I was fat the last time I wore these clothes.

“I’ve never felt more beautiful, more at peace, more mentally and emotionally stable than I do today. And I’m wearing my fat clothes. That’s fucked up.”

It is fucked up that she felt that way. But I am happy she found her strength. And by finding it, she is inspiring other people to do the same!

We should feel comfortable in our bodies, no matter how big or small they are. We live in our bodies, and that is who we should live for. Not for anyone else but ourselves!


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