Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tommy Lee broke 4 ribs and still played the drums against doctors’ orders
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[ # ] Tommy Lee broke 4 ribs and still played the drums against doctors’ orders
June 17th, 2022 under Mötley Crüe

They don’t make Rockers like they used to, and Tommy Lee is part of that dying breed.

Mötley Crüe is back on the road after a three-year hiatus. And the band will do anything to make sure that the show goes on, and nothing, not even an injury, will stop them.

“Man ya’ll ain’t gonna believe this shit!….I broke 4 fucking ribs! But I’ve been resting and healing and even though the doctor tells me I shouldn’t play at all, you know I’m stubborn and I’ll beast through the pain every show for as many songs as I can,” the drummer wrote. “And have no fear, my boy Tommy Clufetos is here to help me out until I’m back at 100%…we’ve all been waiting years for this moment and there’s no way I’m missing this! On with the show!”

Lee rocked on for five songs before the pain became too much, and he had to pass the drumsticks off to the other Tommy.

This is what being a Rock Star is all about. You take a licking, and you keep on drumming.


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