Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tom Holland shows off his prepubescent legs
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[ # ] Tom Holland shows off his prepubescent legs
February 24th, 2021 under Jimmy Fallon, Superman/Spider-Man

Tom Holland has been doing a lot of press for Cherry from his hotel in Atlanta. Since he is doing them from his computer, he only dresses the top half of his body with a suit jacket and shirt. From the belly button down, he is only wearing his boxer shorts and socks to keep his toes warm.

When Jimmy Fallon called him out on it on The Tonight Show yesterday, he stood up and showed off his prepubescent legs. He called them that because he still hasn’t grown any hair on them. To me, I think they look extra sexy.

Even though he hates them, I am sure Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield can tell him much easier it is to get in and out of the Spider-Man suit with bald legs.


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