Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tom Cruise really realy really wants Valkyrie to do well!!!
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[ # ] Tom Cruise really realy really wants Valkyrie to do well!!!
December 23rd, 2008 under Jimmy Kimmel, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri

Tom Cruise was on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night and let’s just say he saved the best talk show for last. You can tell that Tom Cruise really went out of his comfort zone for JKL!, but sincerely it was the best interview I saw him do. He seemed like the old old old Tom Cruise when I used to think had a future and not when will he go away Tom Cruise. So kudos for Jimmy Kimmel for actually making Tom Cruise almost likable in my eyes.
BTW who else felt bad for Jimmy when people were running away from him during Touch-the-Head. And seriously how funny was the gift exchange! I know I was laughing out loud!!!
Finally here is something else that Tom Cruise did with Guillermo on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, this one aired last week and shows how much he did to make Valkyrie a success.


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