Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tom Cruise and Jim Carrey will do anything to promote their movies!
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[ # ] Tom Cruise and Jim Carrey will do anything to promote their movies!
December 19th, 2008 under Jim Carrey, Jimmy Kimmel, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri

How much do both Tom Cruise and Jim Carrey want people to go see their movies Valkyrie and Yes Man (respectively)? First both of them did Letterman’s Top Tens on different days this week. But the big proof is that both of them had bits on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night. Tom Cruise was interviewed by the cuter-than-cute Guillermo and you can so tell it is not his thing. But who cares because Guillermo is just so bloody adorable, and Tom Cruise was lucky enough to be interviewed by him. This is not the only thing that Tom Cruise did out his comfort zone for Jimmy Kimmel Live!, on Monday not only will he let Jimmy interview him he also took Jimmy up on his challenge for the game Touch-The-Head. Something you will have to see on Monday to understand.
Also on last night’s JKL! Jim Carrey made a surprise last minute appearance on the show, not only promoting Yes Man, but he also promoted the DVD releases of Horton Hears a Who! and How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Make sure to watch the video all the way through because the best thing comes at the very end!
With all Carrey and Cruise are doing to promote their movies, the least we can consider doing is to make sure to go out and see Jim Carrey in Yes Man today, Tom Cruise on JKL! on Monday night at 12:06a and if there are no other movies to see on Christmas then go see Valkyrie. Oh and on JKL! tonight on ABC at 12:06a he has on Adam Sandler and Fall Out Boy!
Who knew that when Jimmy Kimmel f*cked Oscar winner Ben Affleck that all these A-Listers would jump at the opportunity to be on his couch!!!


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