Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This will be interesting…a Bones/Family Guy crossover!
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[ # ] This will be interesting…a Bones/Family Guy crossover!
March 20th, 2009 under Bones, Seth MacFarlane

Michael Ausiello has an amazing scoop, Family Guy’s Stewie will guest star on two episodes of Bones in May!!! So how will a cartoon character appear on a human show? Booth is going to suffer a head injury and this is how it is going to play out on the witty Fox show?

The cartoon cameo will be limited to Boreanaz. “We were never going to have Stewie just walk into the lab and start talking to everybody — that would be a bald and shameless crossover,” Nathan adds with a laugh. “It was always conceived to be a realistic hallucination… one that would lead us to what we wanted to do with Booth and Brennan.”
In case you’ve been living under a rock without Wi-Fi, what they want to do is get the two detectives in bed having sex in the May 14 season finale — an event Nathan assures me will “not be a hallucination.” But first, Brennan will ask Booth to father her child on May 7, a request that leads to Stewie’s first of two appearances. “Stewie will be in the sperm donation room with Booth,” explains Nathan, who says Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane will sign off on all of Stewie’s dialogue. “Whatever Seth wants to do is fine. As far as I’m concerned Stewie can sing!”

OMG! This has totally blown my mind with awesomeness!!! Is it May yet? Is it? Is it? Is it??? I can’t wait that long!!!


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