Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This season of The Simpsons’ is going to be nuts
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[ # ] This season of The Simpsons’ is going to be nuts
September 11th, 2023 under The Simpsons

On October 1st, The Simpsons is going to debut its record-breaking 35th season on Fox.

Just like roaches after a nuclear bomb, this show won’t die! And that is A-OK with me because they get better with each season.

Plus, we never know what they are going to predict. For example, they knew, almost 30 years ago, that a president of the United States was going to be arrested during the same summer that a Barbie movie was released. Spooky! Just like this season’s Treehouse of Horrors will be! Because they always are.

But they will never be as spooky as the animated sitcom’s predictions. So watch the show carefully because you never know what they are going to get right for the year 2042. If we make it to 2042. I hope the roaches like The Simpsons because that might be all they have to watch in the future.


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