Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This is going to get ugly…Gene Simmons vs Ozzy Osbourne
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[ # ] This is going to get ugly…Gene Simmons vs Ozzy Osbourne
February 19th, 2007 under KISS, The Osbournes

Gene Simmons has spoken out against rock legend Ozzy Osbourne and his family. The Kiss star said that he was tired of him and his family being compared to the Osbournes, after also granting television cameras access to all areas of his family life. He said: "My family is more structured and they behave properly. "My kids don’t take drugs, they’re well mannered and properly disciplined and I don’t go letting dogs poop on the carpet. "I’m not a drug addict, in fact I’ve never been drunk, don’t smoke, have never taken drugs and never will." When asked why he and long-term partner Shannon Tweed were not married, Simmons replied, "Shannon and I have been happily unmarried for 23 years. I lead my life my way. I am the Alpha male and what I say goes."

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Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones? I am not sure but I think a lot of the problems that Kelly and Jack went through were after they started the show and The Simmons Family just finished season one…just saying?


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[ # 381011 ] Comment from graham [January 14, 2010, 10:00 pm]

hes right in his comments though and ps how many gold albums has ozzy compared to kiss,i loved black sabbath but ozzys had it kiss has just reached number 2 wheres ozzy?

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