Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This Family Feud contestant has a lot of balls for guessing this
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[ # ] This Family Feud contestant has a lot of balls for guessing this
February 18th, 2016 under Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey asked Tarak on Family Feud, “We talked to 100 men, admit it, just once you would like to tell your wife, she’s what?” He didn’t hesitate, even though he knew this answer was going to get him in trouble, as he smiled and said, “She’s fat.”
You see, the reason why it took a lot of balls for him to answer that question that way, is not only was wife standing next to him, she is also very pregnant. He knew that, but he still thought it was a good answer even though the host tried to explain to him it wasn’t worth the money.
Tarak didn’t learn his lesson because later on on the show, Harvey asked, “Name a kind of place that might have mirrors installed on the ceiling.” Mike buzzed in, but then decided not to answer the question. Tarak barely waited for Harvey to call on him before he yelled out, “Strip club!”
Things are going to be real awkward between Tarak and Sneha when they get home. Money or no money.


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