Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The ratings are in for the Jolie/Cooper interview.
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[ # ] The ratings are in for the Jolie/Cooper interview.
June 21st, 2006 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina, TV News

  5p: 6p: 7p: 8p: 9p: 10p: 11p:
FNC Gibson: Hume: Shep: O’Reilly: H&C: Greta: O’Reilly:
  1,020 1,093 1,157 2,197 1,528 1,344 862
CNN Blitzer: Dobbs: Blitzer: Zahn: King: Anderson/Angelina:
  493 772 620 713 973 1,568 1,097
MSNBC Hardball: Abrams: Hardball: Countdown: Scarborough: Cosby: Carlson:
  323 245 261 435 215 139 169
HLN HLN: Prime: Beck: Grace: Beck: Grace: Showbiz:
  137 131 129 460 118 271 155

TV Newser 

Although the numbers are great for Anderson, they are really not all that impressive. I am sure CNN will spin this faster than a Dreidel…for that exclusive of an interview he should’ve done at least two million, Larry King would’ve. But one thing I will say, that is the lowest I have ever seen O’Reilly do at 11p.


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