Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The production company behind Parasite drops the mic on Donald Trump
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[ # ] The production company behind Parasite drops the mic on Donald Trump
February 20th, 2020 under Donald Trump, Oscars

Donald Trump had one his bizarre rants at a rally tonight. He went off on the movie Parasite because it won Best Picture at the Oscars this year. He does not understand why a movie from South Korea won the award. Did he see it? Nope. He just doesn’t like it because the country is not giving in to his stupid trade war.

Well, when NEON, who produces the film, heard that he bashed their Oscar-winning film, they had the perfect response for him. They wrote, “Understandable, he can’t read.” Unless someone reads that tweet to him, he will never know about it. However, we will. Because we do read.

Now, let’s talk about him saying it should’ve been Gone with the Wind. I thought he hated the wind because it blows whatever is left of his hair revealing how bald and how white his skin is.

Oh, and even though Sunset Boulevard was nominated for 11 Oscars, it did not win Best Picture. However, just like he will always be impeached and a Razzie winner, Parasite will always be the Oscar’s Best Picture of 2019.


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