Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Lowe Files is extra ordinary and extraordinary!
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[ # ] The Lowe Files is extra ordinary and extraordinary!
August 2nd, 2017 under A&E, Rob Lowe

We have seen Rob Lowe do somet interesting roles like Bad Influence and The Stand, and his latest one might be his most interesting one to date. Along with his sons, Matthew and John, he is going to investigate the unknown in The Lowe Files starting tonight at 9p on A&E.

The reality show’s first case is the very haunted Preston Castle. The three Lowes along with Shaman investigate the castle and it is unlike any other paranormal program on television. Because it is their first time, they ask a lot questions which gives you more insight into the workings of ghost hunting. Plus, since they are novices, they are very skeptical to it all. Will spending the night in a place that has seen its fair share of death change their minds? You will have a ball finding out. Ball is a hint, BTW!

It is not only their curiosity of the unknown that makes show a must watch, it is their father/son relationship that will instantly have you addicted. They are just like most families where the sons and dad have a bond that makes them inseparable even though they sometimes want to be separated. Plus, the actor is the biggest kid of them all. So much so, you will want to be his friend because he is such a cool dude.

Like the Lowes, I love urban legends and unsolved mysteries, so I have been dying to see this show since it was announced. Files did not disappoint and even exceeded my expectations because of the family ties between Rob, John and Matthew! It that relationship that makes this different than anything else like it on television. Plus, who doesn’t want to get to know the real Rob Lowe?


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