Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The lights will be out on Broadway until at least September 6th
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[ # ] The lights will be out on Broadway until at least September 6th
May 12th, 2020 under Broadway

No city in the United States has been harder hit by Coronavirus than New York City. In fact, several Broadway stars and crew members have come down with COVID-19, and, sadly, some have even lost their lives to it. Therefore, it would make sense that it is not safe to open up Broadway any time soon, even though that is exactly what the Big Apple needs now. This is why the Broadway League announced today that the curtain will remain down until at least September 6th.

“While all Broadway shows would love to resume performances as soon as possible, we need to ensure the health and well-being of everyone who comes to the theatre – behind the curtain and in front of it – before shows can return. The Broadway League’s membership is working in cooperation with the theatrical unions, government officials, and health experts to determine the safest ways to restart our industry,” said Charlotte St. Martin, President of the Broadway League. “Throughout this challenging time, we have been in close communication with Governor Cuomo’s office and are grateful for his support and leadership as we work together to bring back this vital part of New York City’s economy – and spirit.”

Broadway has been silenced since March 12th. Hopefully, the curtain will be able to go up again on Labor Day.


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