Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Goldbergs will pay tribute to John Hughes in its season premiere!
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[ # ] The Goldbergs will pay tribute to John Hughes in its season premiere!
June 13th, 2017 under The Goldbergs

Back in ’80something, girls all over the world were prepared for the 16th birthday thanks to Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles. High School students wanted to do weekend detention like they did in Breakfast Club. Boys were hoping they could create the perfect woman like they did in Weird Science. Teen girls all wanted a best friend like Jon Cryer and Andrew McCarthy for her boyfriend like in Pretty in Pink. We were hoping our parents would go away and leave us alone with Uncle Buck. And talking about vacations, were you afraid that parents might leave you Home Alone?

What do all of those things have in common? John Hughes! What represents the ’80s today, The Goldbergs and for their season premiere they are going to dedicate an episode to him. The show’s creator, whose totally rad life the show is based on, broke the news on Twitter yesterday. Adam F Goldberg said, “It’s time for me to write our 1st ep which is a John Hughes homage.”

The sitcom, that is going into its 5th season, has already done totally awesome and very respectable tributes episodes to The Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller’s Days Off, so I cannot wait to see what he does to honor the late genius behind it all during the season premiere in September.

BTW on an ’80s note, when are we going to get the Benetton Rugby episode? We need to bring them back!

What ’80s iconic film, TV show, singer, event or item, do you wish The Goldbergs would tackle next?


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