Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Goldbergs picked up for a 10th season
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[ # ] The Goldbergs picked up for a 10th season
April 19th, 2022 under The Goldbergs

Jerry Seinfeld and Ray Romano knew when to end their sitcoms. However. ABC doesn’t know that it should’ve let The Goldbergs end this season.

I don’t want people to be out of work, but this show is so past its prime that even putting it out to pasture can’t save it.

I mean, Adam is out of high school, Jeff and Erica are married, and Barry is doing whatever he does. That and they made Beverly as unlikable as possible. Plus, there is the obvious that George Segal, due to his passing, and Jeff Garlin, due to his firing, are no longer on the show.

I get that it is ABC’s #1 comedy. However, the ratings aren’t that high. I don’t think it would be missed.

Next season is going to be so unwatchable that they are going to regret picking it up as much as the fans will be that they did.

And I am saying as someone who was a fan of the show who still watches. Although, I haven’t enjoyed it in years.


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