Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Goldbergs parts ways with Jeff Garlin
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[ # ] The Goldbergs parts ways with Jeff Garlin
December 16th, 2021 under The Goldbergs

A few weeks ago, Jeff Garlin did an intense phone interview with Vanity Fair about whether or not he was fired from The Goldbergs over claims that he was creating an uncomfortable workplace due to his telling inappropriate jokes. Human resources had been investigating the allegations for years. That was then.

Yesterday, there was a staff meeting on the show, and they announced that they mutually agreed he would be leaving the show when they are done filming the current episode, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

That means the show will suddenly have no father even though his daughter is getting married and his son is graduating high school. I know some of you are going to say that doesn’t matter. But do the viewers care what is happening behind the scenes? They just want to watch the show they have been watching for almost ten years.

Was he wrong? Yes. But is it worth it to fire him midseason? I don’t think so. There were barely using him anyways. So, just have him film one day a week with minimal contact with the crew who complained about him.

I am sure this will be an unpopular opinion, but I just think it will hurt the show.

Now, when it comes to The Goldbergs, I hope it gets cancelled at the end of the season. Ever since Adam F. Goldberg left, all of the heart went out of the show. It has been unfunny for years, and I don’t know why I am still watching. Maybe I am hoping it will get back to its glory days, but it hasn’t happened, and I don’t think it will. It is time for it to end. A wedding and a graduation seem like the perfect time to do it.

Before, it used to be that every character was a little extra, but now they are over-the-top exaggerated buffoons. So much so, they have become unlikable. So unlikeable, they just did an episode where Beverly had to look at herself to find out why even her best friend doesn’t like her. That says it all.

I know ABC is worried about losing one of the shows that they have that does OK in the ratings. But I think if they got another season, their ratings would collapse. So, it is time to let it go. And that The Conners with it.


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