Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The former Presidents and First Ladies, we like, did a vaccine PSA
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[ # ] The former Presidents and First Ladies, we like, did a vaccine PSA
March 11th, 2021 under Coronavirus, Politics

It is very important that we get the COVID-19 vaccine so that we can get as close to normal as we can get. However, so many people are still resistant to get it.

The CDC’s Ad Council teamed up with four of the former Presidents and their wives to ask people to get the shot as they did.

If Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George W, and Laura Bush, and Barack and Michelle Obama can get it, then you can too.

Please, if you can get the vaccine, then get it when it is available to you. Too many people have died or suffered the horrible side effects of the virus. How many more people do we have to lose to say enough is enough.

Until we have reached the level of herd immunity, wear a mask, wash your hands, get the shot, social distance, and think of other people besides yourself. Stop being selfish.


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