Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Fonz and the original Charlie’s Angels?
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[ # ] The Fonz and the original Charlie’s Angels?
July 12th, 2006 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Henry Winkler

Access is ready for one heavenly reunion.
After 25 years off the air – and with a combined age of 176 – the ladies of "Charlie’s Angels" could be getting back together.With a little help from the Fonz!
Thirty years after it aired,"Charlie’s Angels" lives on. And according to USA Today, Henry Winkler is working his "Fonzy" skills to woo the original "Angels" triple threat: Farrah Fawcett, Kate Jackson and Jaclyn Smith to swoop onto screens once again for an ABC retrospective special. But getting the winged ones to agree is another story. "Little kids come up to me, I’d say from 7 to 12, and I’m like, how do they know me?" Farrah laughed. Fawcett, now 59, and perhaps the most famous "Angel" after only one season on the show as Jill Monroe, has yet to commit. While Kate, 57, who played brainy Sabrina Duncan, has "issues" with participating.
But what about our Kelly, the idol of brunette girls everywhere during the show’s heyday? She’s embracing the reunion with open wings.Jaclyn, 60, said she would be happy to participate. "It’s a compliment to our show that we’re still talking about it," Jaclyn said.

Access Hollywood 

For anyone who saw the made-for-TV-movie about Charlie’s Angels’s, it should not be suprising why Kate Jackson is saying no. If you haven’t seen the movie, don’t! 


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