Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Biggest Loser is back shedding pounds
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[ # ] The Biggest Loser is back shedding pounds
January 28th, 2020 under USA Network

It has been almost four years since The Biggest Loser has been off the air, and it is back on USA tonight at 9p.

Trainer Bob Harper is back, but this time he is hosting. He is also inspiring the contestants because now he understands their journey more after suffering a heart attack almost three years ago. He is not the only trainer who understands what they are going through, as does Erica Lugo. She once tipped the scales at 322 pounds, and she has kept it off for five years. Trainer Steve Cook looked like he had the perfect body when he was on magazine covers. What we didn’t know is that he worked out like crazy before the shoots and pigged out afterward. He now has a better relationship with food, and he wants the same thing for his contestants.

The contestants are all obese, and they are suffering from health issues related to their weight. They are issues like very high cholesterol, diabetes, and sleep apnea. If they don’t get their weight under control, they could die. Therefore, they committed to getting healthy.

However, is this the way to do it? Just like when it was on NBC, the show is all about exercise. It feels like they are working out 24/7 because that is all they do in each episode. Well, when they are not being weighed in.

We are not seeing them learning how to eat healthier. We know that several of the contestants have issues with food, so let’s see them work with dieticians to teach them how to eat better when they are home.

Another problem I have with the show is that the people who need it the most are the first ones that are eliminated. Maybe they are better off because they are sent home with a gym membership and a nutritionist. This way they are learning how to keep off the weight when they are home. That is where it really matters.

They say the show is different, but it feels the same for me. What they should do is keep all the contestants on the show from the beginning until the end. Teach them not only to work out but also how to work out when they are home working and being a parent. Also, show them how to prepare meals for them and their family, so that they can all keep off the weight.

They are not trying to be bodybuilders; they are trying to live to see their next birthdays. Then I would think the show would not get the criticism it gets.

I don’t hate the show, I just wish it was more responsible.


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