Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The best American Idol group number ever!!!
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[ # ] The best American Idol group number ever!!!
March 11th, 2010 under American Idol 9+, Jimmy Kimmel

Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live, the writers reworked last week’s American Idol’s Top 20 group number to Black Eyed Peas I’ve Got A Feeling and turned into a song for the devil. I so wish that was real because that is the best group number I have ever seen on the show. Seriously how brilliant was that video and how awesome was it how they matched up to their song to what they were originally singing?
Tune into Fox at 8p to find out who will become American Idol’s Top 12 and then tune into Jimmy Kimmel Live on ABC at 12:06a to see him interview Nicole Richie.

BTW one more Idol/Kimmel note, yesterday on the show they also pointed how Randy Jackson repeats everything Simon Cowell says. I guess Randy is trying to mimic Simon so that when he is gone next season we won’t miss him, dog.


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