Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ted Turner looks thrilled to pose with his ex-wife Jane Fonda…not!
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[ # ] Ted Turner looks thrilled to pose with his ex-wife Jane Fonda…not!
October 17th, 2010 under 80s, Jane Fonda

Ted Turner and his ex-wife Jane Fonda were reunited at the 20th Annual Environmental Media Awards and he looks so happy to be touched by Barbarella. It looks like even though they have been divorced for almost 10 years he still holds a little bit of a grudge? Either that or the camera caught him talking about something else and just made it look like it was referring to his ex?
BTW can you believe she is 72 years old? She looks freaking amazing, I might have to buy one of her workout DVDs so I can look like her when I am in my 70’s.


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