Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sweet Jesus, Paris Hilton has found the Lord. Amen
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[ # ] Sweet Jesus, Paris Hilton has found the Lord. Amen
June 11th, 2007 under Paris Hilton, The View

(photo from Pop On The Pop)
Oy freaking G'Valt, Paris Hilton has turned into your typical prisoner and has found G-d. ABC News' Barbara Walters has scored the first interview with the imprisoned Paris Hilton and Paris admitted this to her, "I used to act dumb. That act is no longer cute. Now, I would like to make a difference. … God has given me this new chance." WTF? Oh please, I just can't believe her. But I do believe she acted dumb, but I do not expect her to change I think she is just saying it to try to redeem herself. 
Paris also told her what her jail experience is like,  "I was not eating or sleeping. I was severely depressed and felt as if I was in a cage. … It was a horrible experience." Kind of sounds like the claustrophobia rumors might be true and that her meds have kicked in.
So how did Barbara Walters score the interview, in one word luck. Kathy Hilton being the supportive mother that she is was on the phone with Walters when Paris called in and was relaying information to her mom to tell her. Finally Paris told her that she just wanted to speak to her directly and collect called her. Of course Walters accepted the charges and found out how Paris is doing. ABC and Barbara Walters will be exploiting this interview as much as possible starting with The View today.

UPDATE: Here is Barbars Walters talking about it on The View:

via Dlisted
I love she wants to create a Paris dollhouse for little girls. I wonder if it comes with a bar and a tanning saloon?


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