Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sting won’t let a torn tendon slow him down
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[ # ] Sting won’t let a torn tendon slow him down
October 22nd, 2019 under The Police
Sting has been performing live for over 40 years and he is not going to let a torn tendon stop him from doing shows.

Late last week, he somehow (Tantric Sex?) tore his shoulder tendon and yesterday he had surgery to repair it. Most singers would be like, I am going to stay home (or in the hotel) and recuperate. Not Sting, he is going to do a Queen and the show will go on.

He will continue doing concerts in Europe for the rest of this month, and then he will be flying over to the States to do gigs next month.

Gordon Sumner did not say if he will be playing his guitar while he heals, but it does not look like he will be doing it in that contraption. Then again, who goes to see him to jam on his a guitar? We are going to hear him sing.

Granted, for me, after seeing him three times (once with The Police), I find his concerts very disappointing. I know, I am one of the few who hated his shows.

Having said that, I respect the crap out of him for going on with the show.


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