Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve Harvey gets the Breaking Amish cast to try Sushi
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[ # ] Steve Harvey gets the Breaking Amish cast to try Sushi
October 16th, 2014 under Steve Harvey

Remember the first time you were told to try Sushi, you were like “ew, gross?” Well, imagine if you are Amish and you never heard of the Japanese dish, how would you react? Steve Harvey decided to get the answer to that question on his show today with two of the stars from Breaking Amish. Matt acted just like we did, but maybe even a little worse because we are used to it in out society by now.
Now when it comes to the dinner table being turned on Harvey, he acted the same way as Matt when he tried Amish food. And we would too because we always get grossed when we are told to try a new food we are not used to.
But it is still fun to watch. The same way it is fun to watch a kid when you tell them to try calamari or escargot for the first time.


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