Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sh!t William Shatner Does!!!
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[ # ] Sh!t William Shatner Does!!!
September 17th, 2010 under Craig Ferguson, William Shatner

William Shatner was on The Late Late Show yesterday and he was in typical The Shat fashion, so much so that Craig Ferguson lost complete of his show. On any other late night shows that would be bad thing, but on LLS it was freaking hysterical! The whole interview was freaking hilarious, but the third video is the funniest because the chat just went to shat at 4:30 in. Just sit back and enjoy it as much as I did. I think Craig could get his second Pulitzer for this!
Seriously who knew the 79 year old actor was so flexible and could move like that? I sure as heck didn’t!
Tune into The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson at 12:37a on CBS to see who he will have to endure tonight. And make sure to watch William Shatner in his sitcom debut as a lead on Thursday at 8:30p on CBS. After his appearance on LLS, I am even more excited for Sh!t My Dad Says!!!


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