Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sharon Osbournes teaches VH1’s Charm School
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[ # ] Sharon Osbournes teaches VH1’s Charm School
May 20th, 2008 under The Osbournes, VH1/MTV

(photo from Sky Showbiz)
The hottest show of the fall is not coming to one of the broadcast networks, but to VH1. Sharon Osbourne is taking over VH1's Charm School. but instead of the the girls from Flavor of Love she will be whipping the girls of Rock of Love into shape!

“Sharon Osbourne is undoubtedly one of the most successful women in the industry and truly an icon in the rock world.  We knew she would immediately capture the imagination and attention of our cast and our audience,” said Jeff Olde, EVP Programming & Development, VH1. “Not only is she a true master at the art of the business, but Sharon is a master at the art of being herself and we are thrilled to have her spearheading this show.”

Breakout stars from both seasons of “Rock of Love” will come together under one roof to learn and grow in areas of etiquette, fashion, manners, and moderation.  They will be refined in hopes to graduate “Charm School” as sophisticated and polite ladies.  And who better to push these girls down the road to renewal and re-discovery than Sharon Osbourne.  As Headmistress of “Charm School,” Sharon will attempt to strip the girls of their former rebellious and wild ways. And with some help from experts, hopefully transform the girls into fully rockin’ ladies. 

This show sounds like the best show VH1 ever came up with! Because those girls need Charm and Sharon Osbourne is tough enough to give it to them!!! 


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