Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sarah Jessica Parker had a chaste sex dream about David Letterman!
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[ # ] Sarah Jessica Parker had a chaste sex dream about David Letterman!
April 13th, 2015 under David Letterman, Sex and the City
Sarah Jessica Parker was on The Late Show tonight and she revealed to David Letterman that she had a dream about him before she was with Matthew Broderick. Not just any dream, but one where the CBS late night host told her that he loved her. So what happened? They were at a basketball game and during halftime he said, “I love you,” as he dipped her. So in other words, they were sexless in the city.
Now if we are going to analyze why she had that dream? I’ll say she probably fell asleep after watching the 11p news (including the sports segment) and his talk show, and somewhere in between those broadcasts there was a jewelry commercial where the guy told his lover he loved her while they were dancing. I know way to spoil it, but that’s just how I bounce.


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