Samuel L Jackson was on The Late Show yesterday and Stephen Colbert wanted to hear what it would sound like if the man who is in like every movie did famous catchphrases from movies he wasn’t in. He made infamous lines from films like Gone with the Wind, The Princess Bride, The Wizard of Oz, The Graduate, The Lord of the Rings, Dirty Dancing and The Lion King his own, and the world of film is a better place because of it.
Which of his now movie quotes are your favorite? For me, it is a toss up between the last two. But my all-time favorite will always be, “Enough is enough. I have had it with these mother f*cking snakes, on this mother f*cking plane!”
If you could hear him make one classic line from any movie his own, what would it be? I would love to hear him say, “I’m as mad as hell and I am not going to take this anymore,” from Network. How awesome would that be?