Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ryan Seacrest’s #1 fan
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[ # ] Ryan Seacrest’s #1 fan
February 3rd, 2011 under American Idol 9+, Ryan Seacrest

So far to me American Idol has been a major snoozefest, but then yesterday there was a contestant who caught my attention and actually made me remember them. Courtney Penry will not be remembered for her voice, she will known for not being a chicken and revealing her true feelings for Ryan Seacrest. Let’s say how she feels about him is nothing to cluck about, but I am not sure if he feels the same way about that chick.
The good thing is she was sent to Hollywood, so hopefully we will see her again…and I have to wonder if after seeing that video package if Seacrest feels the same way?


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