Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ryan Reynolds masturbated to Spanish soap operas!!!
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[ # ] Ryan Reynolds masturbated to Spanish soap operas!!!
June 17th, 2011 under Conan O'Brien, Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds was on Conan last night and he was talking about what he was like as a kid. In one of his stories he was telling Conan O’Brien how he got suspended and he didn’t understand the punishment. He said, “I got suspended. I always found that so bizarre that the worst thing they could do you is make you NOT go to school. I’m 15 years old, as though sitting at home, all day, masturbating to Spanish soap operas, is suppose to teach me a lesson. I don’t understand how this works.” Well after hearing his confession if I ever have the chance to meet one of the men on my ToDo list, I am going to dress up like one of the actresses on a Spanish Novella!!! Maybe I could him help live out his 15 year old fantasy? A girl can dream, right? I mean seriously, can he be any more sexier?


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