Seriously? OMG! WTF? » RIP James Michael Tyler
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[ # ] RIP James Michael Tyler
October 24th, 2021 under Friends (cast), Obits

James Michael Tyler passed away today at the age of 59 from prostate cancer, according to KABC’s George Pennacchio.
Tyler is best known for playing Gunther, the manager of Central Perk, who was in love with Rachel on Friends. He started out as a background player and became a series regular for the show’s run. The decision was an easy one because he won our hearts so easily.

Back in June, the actor revealed that he had prostate cancer that spread throughout his body, and he did not have much time left. But he wanted to make an impact with the time he had left. So he asked every man to go to their doctors and get their PSA levels checked. Prostate cancer is highly curable if it is caught early. Sadly for Tyler, it was not caught early.

So today, let’s raise a coffee mug to him and watch him serve up the laughs to his Friends.


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