Seriously? OMG! WTF? » RIP Corey Haim
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[ # ] RIP Corey Haim
March 10th, 2010 under Obits, The Two Coreys

Corey passed away today from a suspected prescription drug overdose at the age of 38 according to KABC. Corey was known for his roles in Silver Bullet, Lucas, The Lost Boys, Dream a Little Dream, License to Drive and so many more awesome movies from the ’80s and ’90s. A few years he teamed up with Corey Feldman to do a reality show on A&E about their fading friendship, and by the end of it they were no longer talking. Last month I posted video of the two of them reunited and I thought that because Haim was bloated he was getting the help he so desperately needed, but I was wrong. The thing that is good about that video is it shows that The Two Coreys were friends again and Feldman’s heart should be eased by the fact that when Haim died they parted as friends and not as enemies so he doesn’t have the regret if only I made up with him.
Now when it comes to Haim’s death, it sincerely saddens me because it looks to be another senseless death in Hollywood due to prescription drugs. It is so sad that it looks like he never was able to conquer the demon that eventually killed him. Corey Haim was a true Lost Boy.
I pray that his mother, whom he was very close to, some how gets through this.
And now enough of the sadness, put in one of his classic movies from the ’80s today and remember the good times we had of him!

UPDATE: Corey Feldman blogged about the lost of his best friend and brother.

I was awakened at 8:30 this morning by my brother and sister knocking on my bedroom door. They informed me of the loss of my brother Corey Haim. My eyes weren’t even open all the way when the tears started streaming down my face. I am so sorry for Corey, his mother Judy, his family, my family, all of our fans, and of course my son who I will have to find a way to explain this to when he gets home from school. This is a tragic loss of a wonderful,beautiful,tormented soul, who will always be my brother,family, and best friend. We must all take this as a lesson in how we treat the people we share this world with while they are still here to make a difference. Please respect our families as we struggle and grieve through this difficult time. I hope the art Corey has left behind will be remembered as the passion of that for which he truly lived. ~ Corey


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