Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ringer is a Community joke!
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[ # ] Ringer is a Community joke!
September 16th, 2011 under NBC, The CW

The big talk from the series premiere of Ringer was not that Sarah Michelle Gellar was back on TV, but the horrible green screen effect when the twin sisters were riding a boat in the middle of the ocean. The effect was so bad that tonight Community co-stars Joel McHale and Ken Jeong will make fun of it on Soup tonight at 8p on E!.
BTW I never realized how much Joel and Ken looked alike until I saw them together like that, isn’t there resemblance uncanny?
Oh and if you missed that much ridiculed scene from Ringer you can watch it below. In defense of The CW, CBS should’ve paid to have it fixed before they gave the show to them. Afterall they are the ones with more money than their baby sister station.


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