Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Remember Aileen Quinn?
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[ # ] Remember Aileen Quinn?
February 21st, 2020 under Remember?

If you asked almost every female child of the ’80s, what is one of her favorite movies, then she will most likely tell you, Annie. She wanted to be Aileen Quinn and live in Daddy Warbucks mansion. She also knew every word to every song from the musical. She would sing It’s a Hard Knock Life with her friends and Tomorrow to her dad.

In fact, she could probably still do that today. However, no one can do it better than Quinn herself. While we are not hearing her sing in this photo, we are getting to see that the actress has the same smile she had when that movie came out in 1982. As we now, you are never fully dressed without one.

That means that the 48-year-old was fully dressed when she signed autographs at The Hollywood Show a few weeks ago. I am sure her huge smile brought huger smiles to her fans.


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