Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Relative Race wants you to vote on the daily outcome starting today
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[ # ] Relative Race wants you to vote on the daily outcome starting today
May 22nd, 2022 under BYU TV

Relative Race is back in production, as you read this, on its 10th season, and we, the fans, are being asked to play a part in the show this year.

Starting today and for the next 9 days, they want us to vote on one picture per day that each team took as an assigned subject. We won’t know how our vote plays a part in the game until the show debuts in the Fall.

Host Dan Debenham says our “votes will be a huge factor in determining the team’s daily results.” So we have a big say this season. And I like that. Even though I don’t know what it is.

So, how do we vote? We can go to either the Relative Race Instagram or Facebook page and vote once for our favorite photo from 4:30-5:30p MDT (6:30-7:30p EDT) from May 22nd to May 30th.

What is Relative Race? It is my favorite reality show. Well, that doesn’t help you. Each season, 4 teams of 2 go from location to location in a car with an old school map to meet family members they have never met or have not seen since they were babies.

Most of the teams have one member who was adopted and will be meeting their biological family for the first time. So get the tissues ready because I ugly cry several times a season. When they meet their mother or father for the first time, we all turn into blubbering babies. It is so beautiful and heartfelt.

What other reality show does that? None. And since it is a competition, each week, when they get to the location of their mystery relative, they have to do a challenge. After they are done with the challenge, they then go to meet their new family member.

In seasons past, the winner was determined how long it took them to get from one relative’s house to the other one’s home, and the challenge can either hurt or help their time on that.

They do that for 9 days, and then on day 10, the remaining teams play in one last challenge, and the winner goes home with $50,000.

Does that make sense? If not, you can watch past seasons on BYUTV or their app for free. I promise you will adore this show as much as I do. Just make sure you have enough tissues to watch 9 seasons of tear-inducing, happy episodes.

I cannot say enough good things about this series. I wish there were more competition series that are as wholesome and as rewarding as this show. I want to compete on the show and meet new family, but I don’t have anyone in my life I could spend 9 days in a car with and not kill them.


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