Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Queen Sized is worth the watch
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[ # ] Queen Sized is worth the watch
January 12th, 2008 under Lifetime, Reviews

Tonight on Lifetime Nikki Blonsky makes her TV movie debut in Queen Sized at 9p and it was a great debut in a good movie.
Nikki Blonsky plays an overweight teen Maggie Baker that is nominated for Homecoming Queen as a joke, but she takes the nomination seriously. Annie Potts plays her mom and is big reason why she has no self-confidence. She has friends who support and she winds up making new ones that will do anything to help her become school reality. What is so great movie is it is great to watch Maggie Baker grow in the movie and go from someone who has no self-confidence walk with her head held high by the end of movie.
So tune it to Queen Sized tonight on Lifetime at 9p for a movie that will inspire you!


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