Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Piers Morgan and Rudy Giuliani get into a verbal fight on live television
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[ # ] Piers Morgan and Rudy Giuliani get into a verbal fight on live television
June 4th, 2020 under Piers Morgan, TV News
Rudy Guiliani was a guest on Good Morning Britain this morning, and I think it is safe to say he will never be invited back. That is because he and the show’s host Pier Morgan got into a heated argument live on the air.

Rudy was brought on to talk about how Donald Trump has been mishandling everything that has happened since George Floyd was murdered by a cop. All Rudy did was blame everything on the left-wing media and use Trump’s talking points.

Morgan, who has defended Trump in the past, cannot do it now. The anchor was infuriated by Trump’s tweet that was taken from a racist cop during the 1968 Miami race riots. Rudy said that the quote was accurate and that Trump is not a racist. He then said that to Morgan several times and wanted Morgan to confirm it since he also knows Trump. Something Morgan never did. Which speaks volumes, and makes it seem like Morgan cannot say that Trump is not a racist.

Then the two men hit volumes of word slinging that shocked Morgan’s co-anchor Susanna Reid. She tried to diffuse the explosive situation, but it was impossible.

Morgan says that Rudy has gone mad, and Rudy brought up how Morgan was fired from his American jobs.

By the end of the “interview”, there was only one winner, and I am mad at Rudy for making me side with Morgan.

Forget the Cuomo brothers, I want these to get a show together.


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