Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Pete Buttigieg goes from Presidential nominee to late night host
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[ # ] Pete Buttigieg goes from Presidential nominee to late night host
March 9th, 2020 under Jimmy Kimmel, Politics

Hey Pete Buttigieg, now that the Democratic party forced you to drop out of the presidential race, what are you going to do with your free time?

Mayor Pete told Today today that he will be hosting Jimmy Kimmel Live on Thursday night at 11:35p on ABC. He is even going to do the monologue, but he says, “Hopefully, some funnier minds than mine will be doing some writing for that.”

Who will be his guests for the night? He will be talking to Sir Patrick Stewart and Animal Trainer Dave Salmoni. It is going to be interesting to see how the war vet handles some cute little animals. Then again, he survived all of the Democratic debates, so he should be used to dealing with snakes.

Where is Kimmel going to be? He will be taping special episodes of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire for the 20th anniversary.

Kimmel better hope that Mayor Pete doesn’t do too good or those special episodes might become a permanent thing. I think we can all admit, Butt-edge-edge is just so gosh darn cute, and I think he will knock out of the park unless Joe Biden forces him out of another job. I am not bitter or anything.


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