Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Paris Hilton is an animal lover
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[ # ] Paris Hilton is an animal lover
July 6th, 2006 under Paris Hilton, Paul McCartney/Heather Mills


On July 5, Paris Hilton stopped by the Bird Kingdom & Pet Shop in Santa Monica, California, and purchased a parrot and kitten. Months from now, when she tires of the animals, she will discard them in the bathroom at Bungalow 8, issuing the following statement through publicist Eliot Mintz: “They know what they did.”

Us Weekly 

That explains why she is the only friend to Heather Mills:

The recenttly spearated Heather Mills-McCartney has praised socialite Paris Hilton for turning her back on fur. Mills, a fervent animal rights protestor recently showed Hilton videos of how fur is obtained from animals and Hilton has not yet looked back.She is now hoping that friends, followers and fans of Hilton will follow her lead and also ditch fur for good.Mills said: "Paris’s decision is wonderful."As a trend setter and a fashion icon, I know she is already using her influence to persuade some of her fur wearing celebrity friends to stop wearing fur."

Entertainment Wise 



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