Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Paris Hilton actually said no to something?
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[ # ] Paris Hilton actually said no to something?
January 3rd, 2007 under Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton turned down the chance to have a sex doll made in her image – because the idea freaked her out. Hilton hated the thought of strangers making love to a doll that looked exactly like her, even though the venture would have made her a fortune. She says, "I turn down perverted things, some sex things. Like a Paris Hilton blow-up doll. "They were like, ‘They’ll sell for $50,000 each, it’ll be the real-life you.’ And I’m like, ‘I really don’t want a real-life me with anyone, anywhere. No!’"

WENN (story) and The Sun (photo) 

Ewwww. Who would want to buy a Paris Hilton sex toy? Scratch that I don’t want to know.


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