Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson split again
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[ # ] Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson split again
May 15th, 2008 under Frat Pack, Kate Hudson, Owen Wilson

(photo from WireImage)
Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson have finally confirmed that they are dating because their friends are confirming to People that they have split.
Last week Owen Wilson was seen in a club in Manhattan according to a source.
"He was pretty chummy with the ladies … he was certainly doing some sweet talking," according to an onlooker. "He looked happy to be there hanging with them." The late-night outing was followed by a visit to Butter the next night, where he chatted up a sexy blonde. Says a Hudson source: "She feels dumb thinking it was so serious." 
Hopefully Owen Wilson won't take it as hard this time.
Another split 
People is also reporting that Shania Twain and her husband Robert "Mutt" Lange are also splitting. The two have been married for 14 years, 3 years less than there age difference

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