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Owen Wilson paints himself into a Bob Ross like character
February 8th, 2023 under Owen Wilson. [ Comments: none ]

Owen Wilson has a new look for the movie Paint, but it is a look we are all familiar with seeing. That is because his playing a character that is a lot like that late great Bob Ross.

Wilson stars as Carl Nargle, Vermont’s #1 public TV painter who is convinced he has it all: a signature perm, custom van, and fans hanging on his every stroke… until a younger, better artist steals everything (and everyone) Carl loves.

If this is something you want to check out, then you can mark your calendars to see it on April 7th.


BTWF roles: Owen Wilson in Cable Guy
August 15th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Owen Wilson. [ Comments: none ]

Before Owen Wilson was a Supermodel in Zoolander, Jim Carrey made him look like one in The Cable Guy. He looks the same now as he did when he was 28 in that 1996 movie.


Wow, Owen Wilson says wow a lot!
May 12th, 2015 under Frat Pack, Owen Wilson. [ Comments: none ]
Owenenergy Studios compiled most of the wows that Owen Wilson said in his movies, and there were a lot of them. So many, I am renaming wOwen Wowlson! Wow!


Owen Wilson’s son does not have his nose!
September 12th, 2012 under Frat Pack, Owen Wilson. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Owen Wilson is filming The Internship and he brought his nearly 20 month old son to the set. Robert Ford looks just like his dad, well before his father broke his nose all of those times. Seriously how cute Wilson’s little boy?


Owen Wilson’s tight wet swimming trunks!
December 21st, 2011 under Frat Pack, Owen Wilson. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Owen Wilson on vacation in St Barts and because he is, he went swimming. By doing so we got to see what a cute butt he has in his wet swimming trunks. I guess G-d felt so bad about what he did to his nose (well actually all the broken noses he got in his life), so he made up for it by giving him a nice a$$.
Sorry, believe me I am sorry, but there are no pictures of him from the front. Maybe we will get that in time for Christmas! That would be a nice gift, no?


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