Seriously? OMG! WTF? » No nude scenes for Kevin Smith!
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[ # ] No nude scenes for Kevin Smith!
February 19th, 2007 under Kevin Smith

Moviemaker Kevin Smith fought to keep his T-shirt on for a massage scene in new film Catch & Release because he doesn’t let anyone catch a glimpse of his man-boobs. The chubby director was asked to act in the new film, which stars pal Ben Affleck’s wife Jennifer Garner, and fell out with director Susanne Grant over her plans to get him naked. Smith says, "Before we started filming, Susanne said, ‘You’re gonna take your shirt off right?’ I said, ‘You’re out of your f**kin’ mind. I don’t take my shirt off for my wife, why would I take it off for you?’ I said, ‘If that’s what you want, why don’t you get someone with smaller man-boobs?’ It seemed to be a point of contention with her. It was weird heading into that scene, knowing that Susanne was sitting on the sidelines; the only woman on the planet who was wishing I’d take my shirt off." Smith admits the massage scene itself was a terrible experience: "I’m getting massaged by Juliette Lewis and she can’t give a massage worth a shit. It was kind of weird because the whole time she was on my back I’m thinking, ‘This is the chick from f**kin’ Cape Fear.’"


Gotta love him for his honesty and not exposing us to his man boobs!


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