Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Night Court loses another star
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[ # ] Night Court loses another star
May 22nd, 2024 under NBC

Night Court is going into its third season on NBC in the Fall, but it will be missing another actor from the credits.

Kapil Talwalkar, who played the clerk, left ahead of the second season, and he was replaced by Nyambi Nyambi.

Now, we are hearing another lead is leaving the sitcom. India de Beaufort, who played Olivia Moore, the Assistant District Attorney who wants out of working night court, will get her wish.

“For the last two years I have had the immense privilege of driving onto the WB lot and walking onto a stage filled with the most hard working, loving and talented cast and crew that comedy has to offer. Today they received a season three pick up. Knowing and loving them as I do, I am beyond overjoyed for the most deserving people I know. I will miss the honor of being in their brilliant company, but my god. That was fun,” the actress recently wrote on social media. “My time at Night Court has come to an end. I greatly thank NBC, WB, After January Productions and our Writers / Producers / Directors / Cast and Crew for two incredible years. My favorite thing about this business is how often old friends appear in new places; that’ll be a day I look forward to greatly. Much love, India”

It is unclear if it was her decision to depart from the sequel, but I wish her the best.

Sadly, the person who needs to leave the show to make it better will not be leaving because the show is based around them. And it is not the brilliant John Laroquette.


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