Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Nicole Kidman eats bugs like they are candy
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[ # ] Nicole Kidman eats bugs like they are candy
January 31st, 2018 under Keith & Nicole Urban

When I see bugs, I am thinking so gnarly. When Nicole Kidman sees them, she is thinking yum. When Vanity Fair asked what her secret talent is, she told them it is eating bugs. She says she is one of the 2 million people who likes to eat insects. Therefore, they gave her a 4-course meal of the creepy crawlies and now I have the creepy crawlies.

The first course was horn worms and they were still wiggling around. You would think that would stop her, but it didn’t. She ate that little guy and said it was “moist and chewy.”

Next up, it was time to eat some mealworms and they too were still alive. That did not stop her because just like Pringles she could not eat just one.

For the third bug, she finally got one that was dead. You could hear the crickets in the room as she downed them like I gobble up chocolate when I am PMSing. She described them as they are “like a hairy nut.” When she said that I thought that she was talking about Keith Urban, but she was talking about the ones that grow on trees and not the ones that grow on men.

Finally, the last bugger was fried and she loved those grasshoppers. She says that she would recommend them for everyone. But that everyone is not me.

She eats them and she looks classy. If I were to eat them, I would look and act like a 3-year-old who is forced to eat Brussels sprouts and liver for dinner. Actually I still look that way now when I eat those things.

Have you ever eaten bugs? Would you describe them like she did?


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