Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Neil deGrasse Tyson reveals where he thinks Barbie Land is
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[ # ] Neil deGrasse Tyson reveals where he thinks Barbie Land is
August 10th, 2023 under Barbie, Neil deGrasse Tyson

Did you watch the Barbie movie and wonder where in the world Barbie Land is? You are not alone. Neil deGrasse Tyson wondered the same thing, so he studied the sky in the movie to determine its location.

Is it in Malibu? Nope, but it is in another sunny location. The astrophysicist wrote, “In Barbie the Movie, the Moon’s orientation places Barbie World between 20 & 40 degrees North Latitude on Earth. Palm trees further constrain latitude between 20 & 30 degrees.

“The Sun & Moon rose & set over the ocean.

“So if it’s in the United States, then Barbie World lands somewhere in the Florida Keys.”

This reveal almost makes up for Pluto not being a real planet. But not totally.


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