Seriously? OMG! WTF? » NCIS’s cheesey movie reference
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[ # ] NCIS’s cheesey movie reference
January 27th, 2010 under CBS, NCIS

So I was going through YouTube and I see a video labeled “NCIS -Snakes on a Plane”, so I decided I had to watch it. I thought hey maybe Tony DiNozzo (Micheal Weatherly) and Ziva (Cote de Pablo) might be investigating a person who brought snakes on a plane. But no…I was completely off as you will see in that clip above. Seriously what a cheesey use of a movie reference on CBS’s #1 show.
Granted I might just be a little more sensitive this week because I watched a horrible movie on SyFy this Saturday that was basically Snakes on a Sub and if they do a sequel (I pray not), it would be Snakes on a smaller Plane.
BTW back to NCIS, poor Michael Weatherly getting his a$$ kicked by a girl…LOL!


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