Seriously? OMG! WTF? » MTG is the laughing stock of Congress
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[ # ] MTG is the laughing stock of Congress
May 24th, 2023 under Politics

For some reason, MTG was presiding over the House of Representatives today. And the hated congressman wanted to quiet the floor down. So she instructed them, “Members are reminded to abide by decorum of the House.”

And that was met with everyone laughing at her. Because when has she been respectful to others in the House?

Not only does she look like a Neanderthal, but she acts like one too.

So I want to take every Congressperson who laughed at her because the caveman deserved it.

I hope she went back to her cave and cried. Because it is about time the reverse bully got a taste of her own medicine. And I hope it tasted like the shit that comes out of her mouth.


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