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[ # ] Milo Ventimiglia is Chosen!
January 21st, 2013 under Heroes, Milo Ventimiglia

On Crackle’s Chosen Ian Mitchell (Milo Ventimiglia) is your average divorced dad of a young girl who works as a lawyer, but one day his life will go from normal to anything but with a simple the knock on the door. When he opens the door, there is a box on his doormat. He lifts it up and opens it. In it is a picture of a man and gun inside telling him he has 72 hours to kill that man or they will kill someone he loves. He calls the cops, but they are in on the game. Now he is all by himself about to do the unthinkable, but will he be able to do it?
This is a game that unsuspecting people have been playing for a long time and in the 6 webisodes that are now available on Crackle you will watch as the newest member tries to beat the unbeatable game. He will encounter other players who tell him there is no way out, but he is convinced that there is one. Is there one? You will have to watch this thrilling webseries to find out. And the best part is since it is Crackle, you can watch it all in a three-hour marathon!

I was recently on a conference call with Milo Ventimiglia and he talked about the webseries Chosen.

Why he did it:
for me it was a guy who – whose a total normal functioning member of society. And what the situation he gets thrown in where it’s life or death for not only him but for those that he loves, you know. I think that is what attracted me to the character, to Ian Mitchell.
You know, and then it’s just an added bonus when you’ve got cool, talented inspirational people that you’re working with like Ben Ketai and Crackle and, you know, the rest of the assembled production team.
You know, so for me it was a treat every day to walk on the set, like wow, I’m so blown away with the company that I’m in, the people that I get to be around and get to work with and, you know, play with and make some hopefully some good cinema with.

How is he like Ian Mitchell:
You know what? I think I have to relate to every character that I play in some way or another. I mean, even the kind of sick horrible ones. But, you know, I think a guy who just goes through an everyday struggle, I mean, you know, we all have things we have to deal with in life and when a curve ball is kind of thrown at us it’s like, whoa, what do you do? How do you react? How do you respond?
You know, would I do the same thing? You know, for me I always say, you know, have to protect the ones you love. You’ve got to look out for the people you care about and it’s kind of a terrifying idea of thought like, Ian’s daughter gets kidnapped, you know, something like that were to happen in real life and what it would – or what it would or could drive you to do, you know, especially when it’s out of your control.

Is doing a webseries different than doing one on television?:
You know, I don’t think so. I mean, and if by tactics you mean the way it’s shot, the way it’s released, the way it’s promoted, the way the stories unfold — no. You know, we looked at it just the same.
We had six episodes, we had an arc. We had characters that are popping in and out, you know. And too, it’s one of those things that look, with success with probably continue – will most likely continue and will hopefully continue.

What would he do if he got the box?:
Please don’t ask me that question – that’s – that’s the worst thing. I hope to never, ever, ever get anything like that on my doorstep. I think I’d – I don’t know. I don’t know, you know. You can’t talk about it with anybody. You can’t do anything but kind of wait, you know. And, you know, I’m a pretty moral person and I mean, shit, I’m a vegetarian, show, you know, how would they expect me to kill anybody, so.


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