Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Mike Myers is such the joker
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[ # ] Mike Myers is such the joker
June 13th, 2008 under Justin Timberlake, Mike Myers

So the topic of conversation with the actors from The Love Guru is Justin Timberlake and his stuffed speedo. While Justin Timberlake has been the one bragging about speedo, we never heard from Mike Myers about it. That is until Us Weekly asked him and his answer was classic!
"What is amazing about the speedo is that they have to do a lot of special effects to reduce the size," he joked. "Oh, yeah … you heard it here first, folks!"
Yeah right they had to reduce the size, I am sure they had to enhance a lot and I do mean a lot. More CGI was used to fill that speedo that was used to make the Hulk the Hulk in The Incredible Hulk out in theaters today!!!

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